Hi, here is hyperzsb
I am a free developer 👨💻 (also still a student 👨🎓) from China 🇨🇳. I have great interests in Web Fullstack, Blockchain, Web 3, DevOps, and other state-of-the-art technologies 🛠.

I studied as an undergraduate at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) majoring in Computer Science and Technology from 2018 to 2022. Right now I am pursuing my Master’s degree at National University of Singapore (NUS) with specialization in Information Security.
I have fundamental knowledge in frontend and backend development and basic skills in the server (cloud and on-premise) setup & maintenance. I also use DevOps and automation techniques to facilitate my study and work.
After doing some research and experiments on Cybersecurity and Blockchain, I began to study further into these fields, believing that security will become the first priority in the future industry.
Codes and other resources of courses offered at School of Computer Science & Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology.
Natalia is a flat, content-focused, easy-to-use template portfolio and blog theme powered by Jekyll.
Vladimir is a landing theme for almost any project with demo and documentation supports based on Vue.js.
Go 语言凭借其特性在近些年受到了广泛的关注,因此深入学习 Go 语言也显得尤为重要。这篇博客记录了我在深入学习 Go 语言时遇到的一些疑难杂症和对应的解决方案,以期在未来遇到同样问题时能够顺利解决。
Terminal(终端)对于每一个开发者来说都是日常学习和工作中不可或缺的工具,我们需要通过各种 CLI 工具来完成各种任务。因此,配置一个强大、便捷和美观的 Terminal 将有助于提高我们的工作效率,更好地完成工作。在本篇博客中,我将介绍一些常见的 Emulator、Shell、Prompt、Tool,以及如何使用这些工具,配置一个属于你自己的 Terminal。
我们在部署服务器之后,在很多场景下都要进行身份认证和访问控制的相关配置。而通常使用的访问控制方式需要后端服务器加入响应的业务逻辑进行配合(如 JWT 或者 Cookies),比较复杂。幸运的是,Nginx 已经为我们提供了简单的身份认证的功能,开箱即用。
最近在使用 Git 时发现,在我执行 git clone/push/pull
等需要访问远程仓库的操作是,Git 总是无法连接到 GitHub 服务器,产生了 SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
在 HTTPS 逐渐取代 HTTP 的今天,我们也要跟上时代的脚步,用 HTTPS 协议来保护我们的网络服务。但是传统的 SSL 证书签发成本高,对于资金短缺的开发者不甚友好。所以,Let’s Encrypt 应运而生。